Not Martha Stewart Style
If we spend half of our lives in our beds, we really ought to make them special. Here's my take on how to accomplish this. Start with a good mattress and be glad that we no longer have to flip them on a regular basis. Have you ever tried to flip a king sized mattress by yourself?
You do, however, have to change the sheets weekly. I do have standards.
Ask whoever is occupying the bed to vacate, (this is my main man Willis), and remove the old sheets. I like to air the bed before making it up with clean sheets.
I've heard it suggested that you have three sets of sheets per bed; one on the bed, one in the laundry and one in the linen closet. Makes sense to me.
There are differing opinions on mattress pads, featherbeds etc. I think it is a matter of personal preference. My wool fleece from The Company Store has served me well for many years and it provides cushioning comfort without feeling like I'm sleeping on a marshmallow. (sorry featherbed fans, I just don't like them.)
Design magazines are always quoting lifestyle mavens who swear by the wonders of crisp pressed sheets. I am a true believer. But unlike my famous brethren, I don't send mine out to be laundered. Having struggled with king sized fitted sheets on an ironing board, I was tickled pink when my friend Ester at our local Yves Delorme fine linen emporium, shared their secret.
Iron the sheets on the bed!
I prefer percale over sateen. Thread count is not as important as fiber content. 100% percent cotton is a must and although I succumb to the temptation of wonderful patterns on occasion, I'm a fan of all white sheets. They go with every decor, are timeless, elegant and bleachable.
I complete the process with a mohair blanket, matelasse spread and down comforter.
What you see before you jump into bed at night is just as important as how it's made. This wonderful Cecil Aldin print hangs on the wall by my bedside.
Nighty Night.